Who We Are

Talitha Kum, the International Network of Consecrated Life Against Trafficking in Persons, responsibly and creatively implements the decision taken in 2001 by the International Union Superiors General (USIG) Plenary Assembly:

“to work in solidarity with one another within our own religious communities and in the countries in which we are located to address insistently at every level the abuse and sexual exploitation of women and children with particular attention to the trafficking of women which has become a lucrative multinational business”[i]

Talitha Kum is part of the UISG and coordinates the anti-trafficking efforts of Religious Sisters, facilitating networking, communication and formation, according to the strategic planning of the UISG and the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church.

The members of Talitha Kum are:

  • Inter-congregational Sister-led networks, organized primarily at the national level, involving religious men and all people of good will who share the vision of religious people regarding anti-trafficking;
  • on-the-ground oriented; and
  • accountable to the National Conference/Association of Major Superiors.

Talitha Kum’s Mission is to #end human trafficking through collaborative initiatives focused around prevention, protection, social reintegration and rehabilitation of survivors, partnership and advocacy, promoting actions that affect the systemic causes.

Our Vision: Talitha Kum is an expression of the Gospel of Mark (5,41). The words, translated from the Aramaic mean “Young girl, I say to you, stand up.” After uttering these words, Jesus took her by the hand and she immediately got up and walked. Talitha Kum define the network identity. It has the transformative power of compassion and mercy, which awakens the deep desire for dignity, life and freedom. Those who adhere to the values of Talitha Kum are committed to be neighbor to those who suffer the serious consequences of trafficking in persons, men, women, children, and families. The activities and projects of Talitha Kum are aimed at all those who are robbed of their dignity and deprived of liberty, regardless of their lifestyle, race, religion, economic or sexual orientation. The members of Talitha Kum, living and bearing witness to Christian values, dialogue with and show respect for members of the different religious traditions and for non-believers.

27 September 2019

[i] Declaration of Women Religious Leaders: UISG Bulletin – Special Number 116